Terms and conditions
Any order implies unreserved acceptance of our terms and conditions. These override any clause different or contrary found on the documents and correspondence of our clients.
Every order is invoiced at the current rate on the day of delivery. Payment shall be net, without discount, whatever the payment method, unless there is a particular written agreement with our client. Any delay in payment is subject to 1,5% interest per month according to the current law n° 92-1142 dated 31/12/1992. This penalty, agreed upon by the parties involved needs no prior formal notice. In cases where outstanding payments invoke our legal department or any other kind of agent invoked, the invoice will be liable to a fixed rate of 15%. as a penalty and enforcement of the article 1226 of the French civil code.
Our products travel at the risk of the recipient who must check the quantity and quality of the product on arrival, before accepting the delivery. In case of damage, loss or theft, it is up to the client to lodge a complaint with the carrier within the procedure and delay stipulated. No claim for compensation shall be accepted by our company if the claim is not carried out within eight days. Non-payment by the due date will automatically result in the payabilty of the whole sum and the suspension of deliveries.
The use of the different goods which are sold by our company is under the consumer’s own responsibilty.
All sales, no matter which form, are subject to proprietary rights.
Therefore, we reserve the ownership of the goods delivered until complete payment, this clause can be enforced at any moment. (Law 80.335 dated 12/05/1980).
All clauses contrary to those above , contained in our clients or suppliers advertising shall be considered as null and void.
For all claims and disputes only the commercial court of Troyes is competent.